Conserve biodiversity, improve livelihoods, and mitigate climate change while generating financial returns.

Why Do Biological Corridors Matter?

Biological corridors, like the Jaguar Corridor, are essential to life on earth. The Jaguar Corridor, for example, offers more than amazing cocoa, coffee, and wonderful fruits. This biodiverse corridor is a renewable resource which produces a wide variety of valuable products and services for industrial processes, construction, food production, medicines, and tourism. The Jaguar Corridor provides ecosystem benefits such as water purification and carbon sequestration. It provides livelihoods for producers and communities living in or near biodiverse Latin American forests. The Jaguar Corridor contains an extensive gene pool which helps maintain species diversity and keeps forests productive, i.e., absorbing carbon, releasing oxygen, managing water availability. We aim to create as much value as possible for people living within the Jaguar Corridor while keeping intact lands and forests and restoring degraded lands.

How does the fund help?

We aim to invest in businesses that enhance livelihoods, protect and value biodiversity, promote climate resilience, restore land, and provide financial returns for investors and communities in and around the Jaguar Corridor. We support producers, Indigenous and traditional communities, and small to medium enterprises to maintain and restore biodiversity by making investments in sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, forestry, ecotourism and agroindustry businesses.

The Jaguar Corridor Investment Fund offers a scalable and profitable approach to achieve biodiversity conservation goals and social benefit.